Phishing Alert: Please report any users requesting email addresses or asking to continue conversations outside of MeetFighters. Scammers are using credentials purchased on the darknet from data breaches. Always use a unique password for each site, and avoid using the same email/username and password combination across multiple websites. If you currently do, please change your passwords immediately. Consider enabling warnings in your password manager or antivirus software to alert you if your email has been compromised in past breaches and to monitor for future issues. Use long, strong passwords. Weak and easily guessed passwords not only put your account at risk but also endanger the entire community, as attackers might impersonate you to reach out to your friends.

Site Support

How do I block someone from contacting me?

If someone is bothering you, the easiest and least aggravating way of dealing with it (other than somehow making peace, of course) is blocking that person.

  1. Go to his profile page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the "Block this member" button.
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking on "Yes I'm sure" next.

You can unblock the same way.
Blocking has a number of consequences:

  1. You cannot see the profile of members whom you have blocked, nor can they see yours.
  2. You cannot send them messages, nor can they message you.
  3. You cannot write recommendations for them.
  4. The only exception is abuse flags. The reason is so that abuse flags can not be evaded by blocking.

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