
ArmwrestleAndMore is recommended by SPORTINPARIS (9/27/2018)

After several months of exchanges I m really glad to have the chance to meet up with AAM. He is nice and genuine, and a perfect host. He is also a very skilled and experience wrestler, very competitive from the begining to the end. Never ever understimated him, in particular his arms and forearms, bothe deadly and could make you surprises. Our match was intensive and hard in two rounds until realize a decisive winner. In spite of his determned resistance, I emerged victorius.


Antton64 is recommended by bstnguy (9/27/2018)

One of the best heels out there, Antton (and Poly) met up for a fun match where I never stood a chance despite a significant weight advantage. I can’t even remember all the holds and taps this guy put me through, but every minute was a blast, even for someone who usually prefers to win. All his fun trash talking throughout was extra icing on the cake. Meeting up with Antton and Poly was a highlight of my trip, as I hope to meet up again where we have more room for their over the shoulder lifts.


Damly is recommended by Mirceal (9/27/2018)

Cela faisait bien une bonne dizaine d’années que nous nous croisions sur les différents sites sans que la rencontre soit possible , la patience est une vertu finalement :)
Damly est un lutteur fin, tonique , au torse sec et ciselé , qui sait opposer une résistance qui force à la réflexion et à la stratégie du combat ...
Un moment très agréable à rouler sur le tapis , et à échanger lors des moments de repos mérité...
Rencontre organisée de façon on ne peut plus simple , fluide et efficace !
Totally recommended


Mirceal is recommended by Damly (9/27/2018)

Mirceal est un lutteur méthodique qui vous immobilise puis vous soumet. Il est respecteux et prudent. C’est intéressant de lutter avec lui, même si je n’ai rien pu lui opposer d’efficace. Il m a reçu facilement et agréablement.
Il est mieux que ses photos ne le laissent paraître. Sa compagnie est très sympathique et les discusions aisées.
Evidemment totalement recommandé.


wolvejong is recommended by poolpartyboy (9/27/2018)

wolf cub

great opponent Energetic, fast, slim, flexible, strong have also struggled a couple of hours and explained techniques to tackle faster attack
he is a great opponent and certainly advisable and would certainly more often struggle with him and teach him techniques thanks for the fight guy


briansp is recommended by rasslin bodybuilder (9/27/2018)

briansp is one guy that i would like to jump back and have a rematch at a heartbeat if i stay closer to him. he is aggressive in the ring and knows tons of holds, and i have to admit that if i wasnt being a heel, i would have been victim to many of his holds.... next time round i will play the jobber role for real, i do sincerely hope that he enjoy our match eventhough i didnt turn out to the jobber much. but he has a tight pair of legs with nice calves, pecs and arms!! highly recommended


wrestl2win is recommended by Wrestlebloomington (9/27/2018)

Met up with this wrestling stud during a trip to Ohio. He’s as tough, aggressive and fun as all his recommendations attest. Killer figure 4 headscissors. Definitely looking forward to the next time I get to hit the mats with this tough, alpha wrestler.


lspowerhouse is recommended by Wrestlingfan14 (9/27/2018)

I consider myself a very lucky guy because I was able to meet and wrestle lspowerhouse. His pictures don't do him justice because his muscles look simply AMAZING in person :-) He is a very nice guy and a very skilled wrestler, so I enjoyed our match a lot.


wrestl2win is recommended by Wrestlingfan14 (9/27/2018)

Hands down I have spent one of the best times of my life with wrestl2win. This man is simply amazing in so many ways! He is super nice and kind, but when he is in his "wrestling mode" he transforms into a fierce fighter. Undoubtedly he is a real Alpha Male and he can teach a lesson to everybody who is man enough to face him. You will learn a lot from him! But above all else, his strong body houses a golden heart! I'm so grateful for the chance I had to meet him.


MuscChamp is recommended by Mark uk (9/27/2018)

Sept 18. Mariano was a muscle daddy I had wanted to meet for a long long time and today my dream came true. What an awesome guy and model to us all. Being in shape in your 50's is tough but at 70 it demonstrates commitment and hard work. A lean, ripped stud of a man with biceps and chest we all want.
So onto the mats and he was every bit as tough as I expected and knows he stuff. I had a weight advantage but our strengths were pretty similar. Great fun within the constraints of a hotel room.
Off the mats we clicked like old buddies sharing our experiences over our many years. The guy is a legend and exceeded my expectation completely. I really hope I get the opportunity again. Top Guy.
